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Клуб любителей кошек

"Кошачье царство"

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С 10:00 до 18:00 без обеда

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About the cat lovers club “Cats Kingdom”


What is that?


One might think that cats have been beside a human not less than dogs since older times. However, playing a special role, a cat was considered “second class” for a long time. The cat remained “just a cat” to the end of the nineteenth century.


The first cat club set a goal of elimination of individual breeds, originated in England. This is not surprising – kindness to animals and respect, even reverence for the breed, and a common culture to pedigree breeding in the tradition of this country.


The first official World Cat Show was held in London in 1871. Even royals patronized the new club.


But the cat lovers in our country began their breeding activities only in 1985-1986. They practically started from zero: several Persian cats from Poland and Czechoslovakia, a large number of household pets and enthusiasm – that’s all they had. The new political atmosphere made it possible to turn to international experience and to establish contact to foreign clubs. It was necessary due of non-availability of methodological literature, breeding material and the experience of show organization.


So, cat fans club is a voluntary public organization set up to meet the cultural, educational,aesthetic, professional and other interests of the citizens related to the content, breeding, study and use of domestic cats.



Why is it needed?


About the purposes of the club activities. First of all, the study of the cat as a species, the study of cultural, historical, medical and other aspects of the interaction between cats and human capabilities of its useful life, promotion of the humane treatment of cats as part of wildlife conservation and protection of cats, breeding cats of different breeds.


The tasks are very extensive. To implement them, the club draws its members to the activities that are listed earlier.


To the best of its forces the club takes part in the preparations of the texts of new laws and other regulations related to the protection, conservation and maintenance of domestic cats, gives consultations.


An important part of the work — shows, exhibitions, meetings and other entertainment events.


The club provides a variety of services to citizens related to acquisition and maintenance of the pets at prices determined by agreement between the parties. Most pedigree cats can only be bought through the club, and here it is only reliable intermediary. This is useful to citizens, so as precluding the possibility of various machinations and speculations.



Who we are?


“Cats Kingdom” is a club engaged in carrying out international cat shows, rescue rare domestic breeds, and so on.


Our goal – not only to improve the lives of our friends cats, but mostly to take care about people – their owners. It’s also the fact that communication with cats comforting lonely people, better for families and helps to educate children, instilling in them the skills of a civilized and humane behavior. From this point of view, we – not just recreational organization, but also a representative of the very useful kind of hobby for all society.


We have no paid staff, we don’t pay a salary to anyone, and exist only through voluntary contributions from members and sponsorship. If you have an ability and desire to help, we will be very grateful to you, and use all our possibilities for presentation and advertising you as our sponsor. We hold presentations of new products at our shows, promotional materials of firms are included in show catalogs, publish our brochures in our internal mailing list, organize exhibitions, etc.


Your help will be available not only as a direct cash, but also in the form of reimbursement of our costs.



Our requisites:


IP Belousova V.N.


690039, Primorsky region, Vladivostok

Eniseiskaya st., 18. Phone num. 9147054366

passport 05 13 № 115289 29.10.2013 issued OUFMS Russia for Primorsky Territory  Sovetsky district, Vladivostok

ИНН 253902610141

р/с 40802810150000003180 Приморское ОСБ № 8635 г.Владивосток

КС 30101810800000000601 БИК 040507601

ОГРН: 311253926200014


What we are doing?


“Cats Kingdom” was created by the decision of the conference from 15th of November in 2001 in accordance with the Constitution and the Civil code of Russian Federation.


The club is a membership-based public association established on the basis of the joint activities of its members to achieve the goals.


The club was created in order to promote the development of creative professional activity of breeding sphere, creation of conditions for the practical implementation of programs for the conservation and propagation of breeding species of cats and other animals, support citizens initiatives attached to the fauna and facilitate their implementation, promote the cultural level of the inhabitants of the Primorsky Territory, protection cats and other animals from any kind of abuse.


To achieve the objectives of the charter Organization carries out the following activities:


• organization of training courses on social and cultural sphere in accordance with the legislation on education

• registration of litters at home (distance registration)

• organization and methodological advice and information, provide citizens and organizations on the breeding, reproduction, maintenance of cats and other animals

• holding and organization shows of animals and cats, including sales exhibitions

• holding lectures and seminars on topical issues of vital functions of cats and other animals

• grooming salon for all animals

• charitable activities

• holding charitable activities (including lotteries, exhibitions, lectures, workshops, concerts, auctions, performances and so on.)


Meeting of the Board IP Belousova V.N. “Cats Kingdom” from 11.09.2001

established  entrance and membership fees:


Fees:                                                 Individuals         Juridical

Entrance one-time fee                      500 rub.               2000 rub.

Membership monthly fee                  100 rub.               1000 rub.